Returning clothing, shoes, or merchandise?

Your refund. Instantly.

No hidden fees. YOUR money in YOUR account within seconds.

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Easy process of recieving refunds with Fastback

How it works

Choose your retailer

Then you will be navigating to your orders page

Access your return and refund through the Fastback app

Your order details will be pulled automatically.
Connect your bank account to receive money instantly.

Receive your instant refund!

Once we confirm your return is shipped, the
funds will immediately be credited to your

Create certainty around refund timing; instantly

Create timing cushions for your bills

Mimic the try-on experience at home

Don’t stretch your spending limit

Net-0 instant refund shopping experience!

We're teaming up with top-tier merchants to offer you exclusive cash-back deals on your next purchases. Our Net-0 program offers you cash-back making your instant refund Free! Stay tuned for premium offerings from your favorite retailers and more, only with Fastback.

Coming soon
Image of a man who is happy he had nice cash-back offers from popular brands

Access your instant
refund today

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Security and Protection: Our Commitment to You

Military-Grade Encryption: Your data's safety is paramount.
Continuous Monitoring: Protecting transactions 24/7.
Rigorous Compliance: Adhering to industry-best standards.
Multi-cloud backup: shielding Fastback from downtime

Have a question?

Why Fastback?

Fastback was invented with consumers in mind. We understand the antiquated financial system and the burden of having to wait for YOUR money. Consumers are at the forefront of our products and we believe you should have control over the timing and cash flow of your funds.

How long does it take for the consumer to receive their instant refund?

Instant refunds will hit the consumer's account, instantly.

How do I request an instant refund?

Start by downloading the Fastback app! Through the app, choose the retailer, and follow the instructions generated to access your returned items. Fastback will automatically prompt your return and refund details. Connect your designated account through our secure open banking platforms and once Fastback confirms that your item is shipped, you’ll get refunded instantly!

Does Fastback do a credit check?

No, Fastback does not perform credit checks!

Can I get an instant refund for any return from any retailer?

Fastback is scaling quickly! We will be adding more retailers periodically in order to fulfill our customer’s needs. Make sure to check in our app weekly for new available retailers.

More questions? Click here!